VACUUM; Jalaladeen Anvari’s exhibition at Atbin art Gallery

VACUUM; Jalaladeen Anvari at Atbin art Gallery
VACUUM; Jalaladeen Anvari at Atbin art Gallery

An exhibition by Jalaladeen Anvari

June 10 -14, 2011; 5-9 PM
Out-of-hours visits are possible by appointment.

(No .42, Khakzad st. Touraj st. Valisar Ave. (Parkway Crossing
Tel: +98 21 26210395

Jalaladeen Anvari’s latest project, Vacuum (Tohigi in Persian), touches upon many critical issues like Identity, Histori(es) and our Iranian legendary oblivion. He carefully juxtaposes various mediums, from text to archaeological imagery, tourist pictures and documentary photography in addition to his sculptural installation; a model version of one of our most talked about historical monuments, which camouflages in an ironic manner, a timed bubble maker machine.
Although Anvari doesn’t tend to force us, into a pre-imagined conclusion either toward blaming ourselves for being too conceited, or necessarily pushing us to obtain a sarcastic point of view of the past. He neutrally shows us about how our cultural heritage remains as a façade while the sites are being visited frequently. As if we are developing a habit, which praises our sense of patriotism without paying attention to the meaning of ignorantly practicing this often-empty ritual. Exposing a shell, which has remained from our understanding of histories. and at the same time he playfully invite us to re-think our identity in the short while before its bubble burst.
Amirali Ghasemi. June 2011