Photography Exhibition

Abnous Alborzi, Mahtab Alizadeh, Maryam Niazadeh, Maryam Oskouei
6-17 Dec, 2013

Abnous Alborzi, Mahtab Alizadeh, Maryam Niazadeh & Maryam Oskouei, the artists in this exhibition, each have great photographs that have been exhibited or are still awaiting to be seen. However, for this exhibition, they each have been invited to contribute loosely related photographs from their analogue/digital archives. These works, although gathered around a title which in Farsi means haphazardly, seem to have a deeper affinity with the literal translation of the Persian term Jasteh va Gorikhteh which translate as to jump and escape. The works in the exhibition are unsystematic attempts for capturing that which might be gone quickly. They also allude to escaping altogether from staged and artificial perfectionism towards a rare and ambiguous moment. To swim against the current may be one of the better known ways to be noticed, but running around instead of swimming offers the artists in this exhibition various new paths and stunning different results.
Amirali Ghasemi – Dec 2013
Faramarzi Gallery
3rd floor
No 6, Eram st, Khodammi (Bijan) Ave, Tehran
Opening: Dec 6th, 4-9 pm
Daily visiting hours: 4-8 pm