Art practice: self branding and experimental settings
Collaborations between artists and scientists
Lecture and presentation of projects by
Professor h.c. Wolfgang Knapp
Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)
Institute for Art in Context (post graduate program)
and Chair of Commission for advances Studies in Art and Sciences at UdK
Parkingallery projects in collaboration with Aaran Gallery – Tehran
Saturday, April 26th, 6:00 pm
No.12, Dey St., North Kheradmand Ave.
Tehran, Iran
Postal code: 158591115
Tel: +9821 88829086-9
Fax: +9821 88841412
E-mail: info(at)
About Wolfgang Knapp
As a social and educational scientist, and after graduating in Art/Visual Communication Wolfgang Knapp has been teaching and doing research since 1988 at the Institute for Art in Context at the University of the Arts in Berlin. His main focus is on interdisciplinary projects on the interface of art and science (since 1993), minorities in art and the media, artist identity, international project cooperation, curatorial activities and publications. („Missing Link- art meets biomedicine“, „Fettes Archiv“ (Fat Archive) „Sensing the Street“, „sterben wollen-Denkraum suizid“ (Desires to dies_ Rethinking Suicide) „Valldigna- Cultural Continuity in a Mediterranean Valley“ „Forschen und Ausstellen“ Researching and Exhibiting). Wolfgang Knapp is chairperson of the Commission for artistic and scientific projects at the University for the Arts in Berlin and a professor h.c. at the Department of Fine Arts and Design at Zhejiang Commercial Technical College in Hangzhou/China.