‘Wake-up Stories’ Parkingallery Tehran
Hotel Solo
6 till 28 August 2016
Throughout August, Club Solo will host the independent artists’ initiative Parkingallery from Tehran, taking on the name of Hotel Solo to host artists from abroad. This marks the second time a foreign artists’ initiative has been a part of the Hotel Solo programme.
Hotel Solo is Club Solo’s way of reaching out to international artists’ initiatives and providing them with the opportunity to present themselves outside of their own location. They do so according to their own insight.
Parkingallery has presented young artists from Tehran since 1998. One component of its programming is the Iranian New Media Society (INMS), a platform for studying and showing new media art in Iran. Parkingallery will start a new initiative in Breda: ‘The Nomad School for New Media, Sound and Performance’. Nine young Iranian artists will be presenting workshops, events and public projects at Club Solo, under the moniker of ‘Wake-up Stories’.
Wake-up Stories
– When did you wake up?
– I don’t know, a while ago…
– Tell me about it?
– Why? do you wanna ask if I had a dream?
– No, tell me a story, a wake-up story!
Storytelling is an essential part of Iranian culture, and an important aspect of the participating artists’ projects.
‘Wake-up Stories’ will play host to a number of meetings and exchanges centred around the notion of awakening and the transition from sleeping to waking. How does storytelling play a role in this? How can stories feed the imagination and bring about connections and changes?
The artists from Iran will be working together with Iranian artists living and working in Europe and guest lecturers from the fields of visual art, performance, film, audiovisual media, architecture, photography, and cooking., Parkingallery initiator and curator Amirali Ghasemi will act as the curator of ‘Wake-up Stories’.
Artists (Iran)
Sara Saniee (Teheran, 1977), Amirali Ghasemi (Teheran, 1980), Raha Faridi (Teheran, 1980), Allahyar Najafi (Iran, 1980), Nasim Davari (Teheran, 1981), Shahrzad Malekian (Teheran 1981), Maede Jenab (Teheran, 1985), Sajedeh Elhami (Mashad, 1988)
Guests (Nederland, Duitsland en België)
Nazgol Emami (Teheran 1978, woont en werkt in Keulen), Sohrab Motabar en Leonie Roessler (Teheran, 1984 en Duitsland, wonen en werken in Den Haag), Erfan Abdi (Teheran, 1983, woont en werkt in Den Haag), Mahdieh Fahimi (1988, woont en werkt in Gent), Setareh Fatehi Irani (woont en werkt in Amsterdam), Atousa Bandeh (Teheran, 1968, woont en werkt in Amsterdam), Pendar Nabipour (woont en werkt in Rotterdam)
You can visit Club Solo from Wednesday till Sunday from 11 AM til 5 PM. Besides these regular opening hours, there are events plannend every week which you can find on our Website and Facebook page.
Programme week 31 (week 1, 1 – 7 augustus)
Programme week 32 (week 2, 8-14 augustus)
Programme week 33 (week 3, 15-21 augustus)
Programme week 34 (week 4, 22-28 augustus)