Category Archives: What’s on!

what’s on view in Tehran’s museums(!), galleries, venues and …

Re-assemblage at Assar Gallery

Siavash Naghshbandi - Kiosk Series 2008
Siavash Naghshbandi - Kiosk Series 2008


Curated By Vahid Sharifian
A group photography and painting exhibition by Afshin Chizari, Hadi Fallah-pisheh, Siavash Naghshbandi, Mohammadreza Mirzaei, Ali Zanjani, Hoda Kashiha and Shabahang Tayyari.

“The commonalities of the artists featured here, reference a period and situation from which they have taken influence. they are all 22 or 23 years old, they have all experienced childhood –the period in which their personalities took shape– in the post-war years, they have a newer attitude and ideology compared to my generation, the period of their youth took place during the second half of the 1990’s and their art is inspired from the events and conditions which formed during this time and took shape in the first decade of the 21st century.
These artists experienced the aftermath of war and not war itself. As such their work is more introversive than the frankness and violent absoluteness of the war years and Iran of the 1980’s.”
Vahid Sharifian, from catalog of the exhibition

Assar Art Gallery
16 Barforoushan Alley, Iranshahr St. Karimkhan Zand Str. 15836 Tehran – Iran
Tel: +98 21 88 32 66 89

Risk Of Color at Aaran Gallery

Exhibition at Aaran Gallery
Exhibition at Aaran Gallery

Risk Of Color
Opening at Aaran Gallery Tehran, Monday, 7th September.

Sculptures by :
Maryam Amini – Hell Berent – Fariba Farghadani – Shantia Zakerameli And Masoud Mousavizade.
The Dutch – Iranian Ceramic Project ( ekwc ) 2008.

In 2004 China Celebrated the production of the first porcelain piece about 1000 years ago. In the same year, The European Ceramic Work Center ( ekwc) started a series of Annual projects that focused on ceramic and collaborated with other countries such as China, Senegal, Morocco, and Brazil.
Then came the turn for Iran, with its long-standing tradition of ceramic and architecture.
A group of Iranian Artists was chosen by Hella Berent, herself a visual artist and a participant of previous projects at ekwc , to participate in a 3 months residency program in the Netherlands.
The wonderful pieces that were created during this program are now in display at Aaran Gallery.

Aaran Art Gallery. Tehran.
No 12 dey street. North Kheradmand ave.
Tel +9821 88829086- 9

Erfan Abdi at Assar art Gallery

Accurate Information on the Exact Number of Killed in this Accident is not yet at Hand
Accurate Information on the Exact Number of Killed in this Accident is not yet at Hand

“Accurate Information on the Exact Number of Casualties in this Accident is not yet at Hand” is the latest video installation by Erfan Abdi is now on view at Assar Art Gallery along with a handful of well-known artists in 101: Oil and its Aftermath – Politics, Modernism, Society, Environment.

The installation fills the small entrance hall of the gallery, a small TV is surrounded last objects in the dark which seems to be oil barrels in lit up by the light coming from the video which only lasts 2 minutes and yes, I’m not going to tell you and you should see it for yourself!

Other interesting pieces are there, worths mentioning are “No Comment” an installation from Mohammad Ghazali & Soheil Afshar, also Arash Hanaei’s lightboxes which read “How to Engage in Dialogue” and finally “Open Seas” a video by Behrang Samadzadegan which has been made for the 5th Gyumri biennial (2006 Armenia) and featured in Parkingallery’s 2 previous projects Limited Access (2007) and Conscious in Coma (2007) Istanbul.

The show also includes one of the latest pieces from Mahmoud Bakhshi’s Industrial revolution, “Mother of Nation” and A4 printed paper next to it reads: unfortunately the work is not turned on due to a large number of visitors might show up at the opening!

for more information please see the exhibition page here from the Digital Assar website.

Irrelevant Conclusion and comment: Don’t get so excited to go to every opening and visit the show later or you might regret it! but generally, in many galleries which are not used to show new media works in Tehran, it’s the contrary! Everything is prepared for the opening even with an hour delay, and during the visiting hours the other day, you should ask someone to turn on the videos/sounds for you!

Limited Access II …. Save The Date 30th of Oct

Limited Access 2
Limited Access 2


The 2009 International edition of  Parkingallery’s successful project LIMITED ACCESS (Azad Art Gallery, March 2007), will be heading Azad Art Gallery in early November, 2009. This year the project includes internationally curated video screening, plus special events showcasing  the latest New Media, Sound Art and Performance projects from Tehran.


Series of events, video screenings, hearing sessions and performances from Tehran and elsewhere
Organized by Parkingallery in collaboration with Azad Art Gallery and Mooweex

Azad Art Gallery

No 5, Salmas Square, Golha Square, Tehran
30 October – 4 November 2009
Daily Visiting Hours: Fri – Thurs 4-8 pm
Opening night and performances: Friday 30 October, 4-8 pm

video screenings curated by

Miha Colner / Ida Hirsenfelder (Ljubljana/SL)
Amirali Ghasemi (Tehran/IR)
Bita Razavi (Helsinki/FI)
Sarah Rifky (Cairo/EG)
Shirin Sabahi (Malmo/SE)
Rozita Sharafjahan (Tehran/IR)

plus a special screening from Mooweex Archive
selected by Arash Khakpour (Tehran/IR)

Further details will be announced soon.