Tag Archives: Limited Access

LIMITED ACCESS II Catalog: Download it in PDF!

LIMITED ACCESS II ‘s catalog now is available to to download in PDF format

We are really thankful to our fabulous designers at NewBookz Studio,
Sam Keshmiri
(Cover(s) and Poster) and Shahab Tondar (Book Design)
who created this wonderful book in the occasion of the exhibition.

Limited Access II catalog is sponsored by Parkingallery and Mooweex.com and published by NewBookz
in 82 Pages, sized 14 x 21 cm and in black & white, with the Edition of 400,in November 2009.


A tale of 13 days – first day By Erfan Abdi

Time to listen # 1
A tale of 13 days – first day – wait and see by Erfan Abdi

Erfan writes:

A tale of 13 days – first day – wait and see
Iranian folk
There was this street singer that we recorded his sound in our studio (at the time that I was working at Darya Digital Studio in Tehran). His name was Mash Gholaam Hossein, he was from Ghoochan, and played a wood wind there known as Ney Dolabeh.
so here I edited his song and made an atmosphere for it.

“Candlelight And Its Side Effects” an Interactive work by Payman Abbasian

we are very happy to present you “Candlelight And Its Side Effects”
documentation of the new Interactive Video Installation by Payman Abbasian for parkingallery’s Limited Access II.
This is how Payman himself describes his works:

I’ve been analyzing the video from a web-cam to find the highest concentration of brightness, then I use it as an starting point to apply/add computer generated fluid waves and particles to it as if it’s coming out of the fire, I found it an interesting idea to create an live interactive experience, using processing as its programming environment that’s why I decided to called it like this.

Limited Access II at Azad Gallery Tehran



Organized by Parkingallery in collaboration with Azad Art Gallery and Mooweex.com

Azad Art Gallery No 5, Salmas Square, Golha Square, Tehran
31 October – 4 November 2009
Daily Visiting Hours: Fri – Wed 4-8 pm
Opening night and performances: Friday 30 October, 4-8 pm

Curated by
Miha Colner / Ida Hirsenfelder (Ljubljana/SL) | Amirali Ghasemi (Parkingallery/Tehran) | Arash Khakpour (Mooweex/Tehran) | Bita Razavi (Helsinki/FI) |Sarah Rifky (Cairo/EG) | Shirin Sabahi (Malmo/SE) | Rozita Sharafjahan (Azad Art Gallery/IR)

Access to what? What limitations?

LIMITED ACCESS sounds like a disappointing title for a project, but in fact, it’s not really true, it has a kind of ambiguity within it, which is a characteristic of Parkingallery projects. One should ask: “Access to what?” and “What limitations?”
In the past decade, Iranian Contemporary art and especially New Media Arts have been through many ups and downs, either in the time which was temporarily celebrated by the authorities and officials, by a considerable budget and space, without necessarily establishing a constant and appropriate structure for its survival in future, or when it visibly slowed down its development at least outside of the unofficial and private circles of artists in the recent years. And as we speak the number of curators and art lovers who are frequently visiting Tehran, for various reasons and intentions is highly increasing, especially now when the international Media zoomed more than ever, on Iran. The Art Market despite recent hiccups is heating up by its discoveries of middle eastern and Iranian art shows from LA to Dubai, filled with repetitive names of superstars. Meanwhile, there is an independent creative scene that is emerging and is undoubtedly hard to track and describe, as its vibrancy and its continuity lie in its anonymity. In the absence of an inclusive reference for proper research on multi fragmented Tehran art scene, most of the attempts which have been done to map and document the scene, remained unfinished and to some degree clueless because of the intentional shifts toward the art market and/or falling into the traps of tribal self-promotional concerns of few.

LIMITED ACCESS, therefore, tries to gather and reconnect the artists from all disciplines to each other and reestablish their link with their emerging audience. As we believe that what is labeled and being marketed as “Iranian contemporary art” to the art world is quite known and accessible despite all propaganda, as many individuals and collectives are paying their dues for its exposure and growth internationally, even by conflicting objectives and means. What is really missing here is a local platform, which through its structure, experiments in New Media can be seen and discussed, beyond the closed circle of the artists practicing it.
As delayed echos of such phenomenon, often passing through mediums like the Internet, books, and other media might turn the viewer into a passive consumer rather than a critical observer.

These limitations could be caused by many factors, from the imposed sanctions to unofficial boycotts, to the emergence of market-oriented attitude among artists as a result of periodic temporary reception of Iranian art all around the world, beside as some others may put it, the fact that contemporary art is being rarely mentioned in the mainstream media, ignored to some extent and not supported anymore.  All these excuses are not enough to prevent us from taking the current moment for granted even if it would seem hopeless to many, and shape the future by observing and learning from it.

Amirali Ghasemi, Parkingallery Oct 2009

Jazire-ye Sargardani (The Wander Island)

(Video screening, Interactive installations, and a collection of experimental sound and music )
Curated by Amirali Ghasemi

Amin Talachian | Ronak Ghoseyri | Sara Abbasian | Negar Behbahani | Ehsan Behmanesh/ Arefeh Riahi | Ali Ettehad | Ayeh Rahimi | Amirali Mohebbinejad |  AR2+ ISIS | Arash Fayez | Nassrin Nasser | Elika Hedayat | Arash Khakpour/ Arash Radkiya | Amirali Navaee | Bijan Moosavi | Pedram Etemadi | Siavash Naghasbandi | Sona Safaei | Tala Madani | Azin Feizabadi | Sohrab Mostafavi Kashani | Mohammad Abbasi | Peyman Abbasian | Sohrab. M Kashani | Arash Salehi /Arash Razzazian | Nima Esmailpour |

Videos selected by Rozita Sharafjahan (Azad Art Gallery/IR)
Khosro Khosravi | Behnam Kamrani | Hamed Sahihi | Ghazaleh Hedayat | Samira Eskandarifar | Mohsen Rasoulov | Minou Iranpour | Setareh Jabbari | Elham Doust Haghighi | Farid Jafari Samarghandi

8513 hours in Helsinki

Curated by Bita Razavi

Eija-Liisa Ahtila | Sara Pfrommer | Katarzyna Miron | Stefan Riebel | Joonas Jokiranta | Maria Ylikoski | Linda Reif | Stefan Riebel | Gregoire Rousseau | Miina Hujala | Anna Nykyri | Hanna Marno and Leena Vahvelainen | Ewa Gorzna | Teemu Kivikangas

(one)self as (an)other

Curated by Sarah Rifky (Cairo/EG)

Sherif Elbendary | Hassan Khan | Mohamed Allam | Mohamed Nabil | Shady El Noshokaty | Hossam Elsawah | Laila Sami

Intelligent Systems

(installations / video / multimedia / documentation)
Curated by Miha Colner / Ida Hirsenfelder

Tanja Vujinovic | Maja Smrekar | Robertina Sebjanic | Borut Savski | Lada Cerar & Saso Sedlacek | Vladimir Ristic | son:DA & Erinc SeymenTomaz Furlan | Neven Korda | Saso Podgorsek | Marko Kovacic & Kolja Saksida | Ana Sluga | Jaka Zelelznikar

Whoever I Like Turns out to be a Weirdo, or Performative Narrations

(video screening)
Curated by Shirin Sabahi

Kevin Murphy | Tamar Guimarães | EllaKajsa Nordström | Henning Lundkuist | Stine Ofelia Kildevang | João Leonardo | Annette Stav Johansson | Maj Hasager | Wattanai Chanakot | Ana Bezelga | Kristina Kvalvik | Maria Lusitano Santos | Hanna Paulin | Hanna Sjöstrand | Lara Morais

Limited Access II …. Save The Date 30th of Oct

Limited Access 2
Limited Access 2


The 2009 International edition of  Parkingallery’s successful project LIMITED ACCESS (Azad Art Gallery, March 2007), will be heading Azad Art Gallery in early November, 2009. This year the project includes internationally curated video screening, plus special events showcasing  the latest New Media, Sound Art and Performance projects from Tehran.


Series of events, video screenings, hearing sessions and performances from Tehran and elsewhere
Organized by Parkingallery in collaboration with Azad Art Gallery and Mooweex

Azad Art Gallery

No 5, Salmas Square, Golha Square, Tehran
30 October – 4 November 2009
Daily Visiting Hours: Fri – Thurs 4-8 pm
Opening night and performances: Friday 30 October, 4-8 pm

video screenings curated by

Miha Colner / Ida Hirsenfelder (Ljubljana/SL)
Amirali Ghasemi (Tehran/IR)
Bita Razavi (Helsinki/FI)
Sarah Rifky (Cairo/EG)
Shirin Sabahi (Malmo/SE)
Rozita Sharafjahan (Tehran/IR)

plus a special screening from Mooweex Archive
selected by Arash Khakpour (Tehran/IR)

Further details will be announced soon.